How to Decide Knowledge Management Tools

3 min readMar 12, 2024


Knowledge management is the business management method that has become popular nowadays. One effective way to manage business knowledge is to introduce a knowledge management tool.

Since the introduction of tools involves costs for most of them, it is necessary to determine which tools are most needed to obtain the maximum cost-effectiveness.

Therefore, this article will explain the points to remember when comparing knowledge management tools.


The knowledge management tools can be broadly divided into two types of billing systems:

  • Pay-as-you-go system, in which each user is charged on a per-user basis. It would produce low costs for a small number of users.
  • Flat-rate billing system, where fees are based on the contents of the contract. Usually, the number of users that can be created for each plan is fixed, and the user is expected to operate within that limit. Thus, you don’t need to worry about the number of user changes, as long as the number of users is within a predetermined number.

Also, some services offer various options that allow for flexible customization. It is recommended that you choose the system that best suits your company, considering the number of users and how much the number of users will increase or decrease in the future.


There are various types of knowledge management tools, including the internal wiki that focuses on internal information sharing and the internal SNS for internal communication. Each one has different areas of expertise.

Therefore, simply introducing a tool that comes up at the top of a Google search for “knowledge management tool” is not enough to ensure effective operation.

Always make sure what kind of problem your company is trying to solve with knowledge management. Of course, by introducing multiple tools of different types, combined effects can be expected, as they will complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

Supported Devices

While computers are the basic devices used in the office, there will be times when you will want to use them while on the move or outside the office. In such cases, the use of smartphones or tablet devices is usually the way to go.

By introducing tools that are compatible with these devices, employees will be able to access the system anytime, anywhere, which will allow them to accumulate and utilize knowledge more effectively.

IT Literacy of Employees

To begin with, if you have implemented a knowledge management tool, you must get your employees to actively use it. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the IT literacy of your employees.

If you give a tool that requires a certain level of PC skills to people in positions that do not use PCs a lot, you cannot expect effective operation.

It is important to confirm the main target audience of the tool to be introduced and in what situations it is intended to be used.

Recommended Knowledge Management Tools: is a knowledge management tool called an internal wiki and is the perfect tool for those who aim to share information and facilitate communication within the company.

One of the features of is that multiple applications can be created within a single plan. This allows for flexible usage, such as independent applications for each department. Of course, the system can be used on various devices, including PCs, tablets, and smartphones.

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